Kirkbank Earthworks, Broughton

Early OS surveys of the Kirkbank Earthworks, Broughton (NT 110370) indicated a fort site and subsequent RCAHMS reports suggested iron age. Recent removal of forest cover has allowed a more detailed survey and partial ongoing excavation. A cob loaf shaped mound, 40x35m, has two outliers to the south-west. Early excavation of these outlying features revealed greywacke outcrop. Excavation of the top surface of the main feature has also indicated outcrop radiating to approximately 9m from the centre of the mound.

A six metre trench on the northern flank of the lower part of the mound has revealed a 0.75m deep exposure of almost stone less soil possibly indicating a collapsed turf bank. An arc of boulders 13m from the summit of the mound may indicate a buttress for this bank. A new trench on the western side has revealed a similar boulder group also 13m from the summit flanked by similar depths of stone less soil.

No datable finds or charcoal patches have been discovered but excavation continues.