The Biggar Archaeology Group was gradually established as a sub group within the Biggar Museums as a consequence of some museum volunteers becoming involved in archaeology.
The Group has been extremely active since 1981. At that time the Trust had a small collection of mostly poorly provenanced artefacts, but had no archaeological displays or even a remit for collecting such material. Locally found items were generally acquisitioned by museums in Edinburgh or Glasgow.
When the Moat Park Heritage Centre was opened in 1988 much of the ground floor was given over to archaeological displays, by which time the local group had completed a number of projects of local and national importance. Collections from these and other projects have since been gathering at a significant annual rate. The material is mostly pre-historic but large assemblages have been retrieved from the Clydesdale Bastle Project. Other objects are now acquisitioned via the Treasure Trove Panel and the Small Finds Disposal Panel.
The project work of the group has provided important new evidence of the past material culture of Scotland, and in particular, the area of the Upper Clyde and Tweed valleys.
Below is our 30th Anniversary movie with a selection of our work.