Here is another Peeblesshire report from BAG on the excavation of two unenclosed platform settlements within the Fruid reservoir. This work is an important contribution to Bronze Age studies for Scotland and Borders Region in particular. Some new aspects of life in these peculiar hill side houses has been discovered, as a result of several years of dedicated work by the local voluntary archaeologists.
The second and third campaign of excavations on a normally submerged and eroding Bronze Age unenclosed platform settlement has produced constructional details of two timber round houses, artefact assemblages including pottery, course stone tools, a flanged bronze axe and important dateable contexts from which much charcoal has been retrieved. Further prehistoric sites and monuments and a post medieval settlement were also recorded.
This report should be read along with the first interim report – Tweed Survey (Ward 2004).
A forthcoming report will attempt to marry up information between unenclosed platform settlements and burnt mounds in upper Clyde and Tweed valleys, part of which will supply up to date lists of each type of site.