Logan post-medieval Settlement and Woodend Excavations
Two more of our excavation reports are now available.
Logan Post-medieval settlement

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The investigation of a small valley in Upper Tweeddale, Scottish Borders, has produced an extraordinary story of the past dating from the Bronze Age to Post Medieval times. The excavation of an upland settlement at Logan revealed the remains of a previously unrecorded tower or bastle house. Other buildings were shown to have been occupied throughout the 17th century and up to the early 18th century, indicating an aspect of Lowland Clearances. A small hoard of Edward I silver long cross pennies was also found near the site.
Woodend Excavations | 1.56MB

A series of test pits were opened on a gravelly ridge (Site No 1) to test the hypothesis that Early Christian archaeology may have been
present. The results were inconclusive but did reveal that some pre historic activity had taken place involving a flint scraper and a few flakes of radiolarian chert and burnt stone. A further ridge (Site No 2) was also investigated and here two small cists were revealed and which by their size are assumed to be Bronze Age children’s graves.