Brownsbank Farm Fieldwork and Excavation 1997 – 2001. 3rd Interim Report

    Brownsbank Farm Fieldwork and Excavation 1997 – 2001. 3rd Interim Report.
    Brownsbank Farm Fieldwork and Excavation 1997 – 2001. 3rd Interim Report.

    Download – Brownsbank Farm Fieldwork and Excavation 1997 – 2001. 3rd Interim Report.

    With contributions from Dr Jennifer Miller (North Light Heritage) and John Whitworth (BAG) 2013.

    Since 1997 the ploughed fields of Brownsbank Farm have been walked as part of The Pre-History North of Biggar Project operated by the Biggar Archaeology Group (BAG). In the spring of 2000 a series of locations with surface scatters of Early Neolithic pottery was found in one field (No 4). Several locations were excavated (2000 – 2001) to test for surviving in situ archaeology, and at one, a significant assemblage of pottery was retrieved, which was in association with Arran pitchstone, Langdale Pike Group VI axe flakes, a lithic assemblage and pits containing further pottery and charcoal enriched fills. Radiocarbon dates were obtained from two contexts.