A new pdf report with a partial photographic presentation of the Howburn Farm Late Upper Palaeolithic and later prehistoric tool and lithic assemblage is now available to download.
Howburn Farm is currently a unique name in Scottish archaeology as having produced the only authenticated assemblage of Late Upper Palaeolithic (LUP) Hamburgian and Federmesser tools and debitage. The various publications on the site are given below as references and none of that is repeated here. This work simply presents in photographic form a selection of the gathered and excavated assemblage from a single field near the town of Biggar in South Lanarkshire. Photographs and their catalogues are given here for the benefit of researchers, but as the writer is not a specialist in lithic description or analyses, none will be attempted. The collection has however been published to academic standard by Torben Ballin whose work, along with other authors on Howburn Farm Project is cited below. At the time of writing the final destination of the assemblage is unknown but it is hoped that this work will allow others to access it in the form presented here, in pictorial form with its catalogue by Torben Ballin. This is however no substitute for the actual objects.