Over the road at Howburn

Excavating 1 metre pits
Excavating over the road at Howburn

Five square metre pits were dug on the opposite side of the road from the Howburn Palaeolithic site to check if the site spread in that direction

No Palaeolithic flint was found but several sherds of Early Neolithic pottery, a piece of pitchstone and an axe flake were recovered, and these clearly show that the Neolithic material found in the main trench last year probably extends under the main road.

A few pieces of chert including a microlith indicate that the Mesolithic material also extends beneath the road. This will be the final fieldwork at Howburn, we now await with some excitement the results of the lithics expert and the work of the valley coring – watch this space.

Barb and Tang arrowhead found while fieldwalking
Barb and Tang flint arrow

Fieldwalking continues each weekend but so far the results have been less than exciting. However, Joyce Durham was lucky to walk straight to this beautiful Barb and Tang flint arrow, found as a random find near Elsrickle. Although we are searching for concentrations of finds which will indicate a site, such objects make a days work worthwhile. Each year several such items are picked up adding to an ever increasing collection of flint and chert tools spanning all periods of Scottish pre history. Well done Joyce.