Download – The world of Arran pitchstone as perceived at Biggar Museums in 2000.

The following paper is an account of a seminar held at Biggar Museum in the year 2000, about archaeological pitchstone, it has never been published and indeed it was not meant to be, only the participants received a copy of the proceedings. The proposed ‘follow ups’ to the seminar never took place, due at least in BAG’s case, to the pressure of their project work, and the fact that eventually contact was made with Torben Bjarke Ballin who did what we wanted to have done, a professional study on the subject matter of our collections of pitchstone, and to which we are extremely grateful. Firstly, Torben produced a paper which is published on BAG website (Ballin & Ward 2008) and dealt with the collections made by BAG to that date. Torben then went on to publish two other papers on pitchstone; one in association with John Faithfull (Ballin T B 2009 & Ballin T B &, Faithfull J, 2009). Therefore, the work of BAG relative to pitchstone was brought up to date in 2008 and the subject matter was further published academically by 2009.