The out of print report by Tam Ward on the survey work by the Biggar Archaeology Group as part of the M74 upgrade in Clydesdale, now South Lanarkshire, in 1990, it has now been digitised.

Upper Clydesdale through the Ages – M74 Project (1992)
The fully indexed report consists of one hundred and sixteen survey plans with full descriptions, three chapters describing the project, the history of the area and a discussion of the sites included. Appendices cover the following:
- Taped offset method of survey
- Finds
- Damage caused to unenclosed platform settlements
- Wildshaw Burn Stone Circle, possible astronomical significance
- Identification of a burnt mound
- Other recent surveys in Clydesdale
- Site types in Upper Clydesdale
- Footnotes and references in text
- Abbreviations
Since the survey was completed a vast amount of excavation, research and further survey work has been accomplished in the Upper Clyde valley, by both BAG in a voluntary capacity, and by others especially involved in development funded archaeology.
For example; BAG have completed major projects within reservoirs, commercial forests and in arable fields since this report was produced, significantly new discoveries and research has taken place by BAG, including aspects of the Late Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. All are reported on this site. Similarly, professional work on the Clyde Windfarm and other projects has also added significant knowledge of the ancient past to the local and national data bases.
Consequentially the archaeological story of the former area of Upper Clydesdale [now part of South Lanarkshire] has moved forward considerably. Nevertheless, the M74 report stands good for the comprehensive range of survey plans which remain an invaluable tool to students of the upland landscape there; it has not been updated due to the large quantity of work done in the last three decades and is merely reproduced here as a work of its time and place.