Here’s the latest reports for the Daer projects – the first is an update to our interim report by Tam and the second is a contribution on lithics from Ian.

Daer First Results – Tam Ward
We have been working flat out for over a year to salvage as much as possible from the Coom Rig site in Daer valley where the forestry ploughing revealed an incredible and hitherto unknown archaeological landscape and one which has no parallels in the history of our work. Although we had previously surveyed many upstanding sites in the valley and excavated others under threat within the reservoir there, nothing could have prepared us for the large numbers of finds spots now recorded in the present work.

Daer Lithics Report – Ian Paterson, BAG Member
Of the lithic materials recovered in the Daer excavations, it is no surprise that the locally available Radiolarian Chert is by far the most abundant. This paper describes the geology of the Chert and suggests some possible sources for the Daer material.
Fliint is present at Daer in almost all the metre squares excavated – mostly in small numbers – while only rare specimens of pitchstone have been recovered.