Visitors to Upper Clydesdale may be interested in the two of the three latest reports given here;

Crossing the Clyde
This Report has been written for people interested in the upper reaches of the River Clyde describing bridges past and present, which span the river in that area. Often a forgotten aspect of our heritage as one seldom gets a view of the bridges while we drive across them, and even more seldom does one get to learn of the fascinating history that surrounds these structures we all take for granted, but which makes life so much more convenient and safer for most of us. Crossing the Clyde – Clyde and other bridges from Elvanfoot to Lanark

On Tintock Tap
This will be of use to hill walkers, most especially to those who make the ascent to the summit of Tinto. The grand spectacle of landscape seen from the ancient cairn on Tinto has never before been explained in any detail, in this report you will get a ‘potted history’ of all you see in Clydesdale and bits beyond, including the geological story of this beautiful part of Scotland. On Tintock Tap – A report on Tinto Hill Lanarkshire

Two reports on Mesolithic Daer Valley. Wright D 2016
The third report is a specialist one by Dr Dene Wright of Glasgow University. Dene provides another two expert analyses of lithic assemblages from the numerous Mesolithic sites in Daer Valley. Details of the site’s [No’s 84 and 85] excavations are already given on the web. They are probably the highest Mesolithic camps sites in Scotland and along with other BAG Mesolithic sites are providing much needed new data on this remote period.
The next two excavation reports will deal with the long awaited Camps Reservoir excavations of two enclosed cremation cemeteries, and one of the largest pThe fieldwork of BAG is now scaled down to almost nothing apart from occasional opportunities of rescue work as it presents itself. However, research on the extensive archive of BAG work and indeed that of others in the area will continue for a long time. The emphasis at this time is to consolidate all the work by presenting the entire archive to the National Monuments Records of Scotland. Two reports on Mesolithic Daer Valley